Sunday, September 27, 2009


The kids started daycare 2 days a week in the beginning of September. They really needed a social outlet and mommy needed sleep. Our biggest concern at this point since they are 2 and 1/4 is their speech and vocabulary. We really are hoping that being around other kids will help them use words and signs. Its working!!! Kamryn has been resistant to signing and now she is getting into it, signing more and eat appropriately. And out big news is that Christian's official first word He loves to point out things that are blue--even cars driving by as he looks out the window. Today he busted out with bye bye though. Bye bye sounds alot more clear than blue, but he loves to say the words that he can. He is also working on green and yellow. I think they both will say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious before mama or dada though. Its okay we are just thrilled that we are starting our vocabulary list.

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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Lake on Fire

Every July 3rd we head to Conesus lake for the lake on fire. We have been going ever since I can remember first to my Grandparents cottage and now to my parents own cottage. It is something that we all look forward to . I don't have too many pictures this time around because ...well because 2 two year olds are hard to chase around especially when they want to go inside then outside then inside then the park then Christian has to turn on and off every light and ceiling fan in the place. And when the kids are outside the camera is inside, when the kids are outside the camera is inside.

...and they're off. I need to get an action shot camera.

Well we gambled and left so the kids could nap in the car on the way to the lake on fire. Well that didn't work out so well. I really thought they would like the bonfire, the flares and the fireworks though. So I pressed to keep them up and they LOVED it. They were tired from the day so they pretty much relaxed on Grandma & Grandpa's laps and stared at the fire and the fireworks. For being up so late they were so good. It didn't hurt that they were cozy and were fascinated by fireworks and the glow in the dark jewelry that other kids shared with them.

Our plan for the actual 4th of July was more fireworks but because the kids had no sleep and I had to work we just hung out around the house. Dan thinks watching fireworks on TV is the same thing. Uh -NO Dan!

And again with the action shot...

And now time for some flashback photos. I love to compare the kids at the same point years apart and obviously holidays are the easiest.





So much less hair on the kids and so much less weight on me lol.