- I'm in love with the mums on our front porch. I finally figured out the secret to them not blowing over in the wind. Buy huge ones. They are more expensive but so worth it. They make a huge difference and they are just my type of flower, virtually indestructible. The kids love to water them and everyday Christian points out the hole that is in the purple one where he got off balance and fell in the flowers."Mama! Hole!"
- Excited to report that I have started Christmas shopping! and somehow this has to coincide with the fact that I haven't finished birthday shopping for my Mom, Dad & brother whose birthdays are in August. I LOVE shopping for my kids for Christmas. It is going to take great deal of restriant this year because they are really starting to get it, but our house is bursting at seams right now.
- Crossing my fingers that I can find what I want my kids to take in for Halloween treats for their party. I think it will be ring pops, pez dispensers and fun dip. I know since I already have the idea I won't be able to find fun dip anywhere or pez dispensers at a reasonable price. I never have ideas ahead of time and when I do nothing works out.
- For every "professional " photo shoot we have attempted Kamryn has thrown a tantrum. HUGE meltdowns. I thought when we sat for a family portrait it would be different because I would be holding her. Wrong. I have learned that whatever I think will happen..is wrong. Even holding her produced crying and screaming. I was sure that the school pictures would be more of the same. So when I picked her up form school on picture day I was sure what the report would be. -cross your fingers for the make up session-. Well was I wrong. She did great AND smiled. Who knew. Christian had a harder time. The photographers set up in the gym where the kids never go so they were a little freaked out. Christian has tears and half a smile. Kamryn did a little better than that. I wonder if they are over their "photo shoot phobia" ? The Christmas card shoot is right around the corner.
- I have to admit it is a struggle but I am doing my best to let the kids choose their own Halloween costumes this year. I have a hundred ideas of what they could be. There are so many cute ideas for two. I really wanted them to be Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf. There are alot of cute Red Riding Hood costunes out there and no wolf costumes for toddlers. Good thing though....Dan brought to my attention that Christian would refuse anything on his head anyway. So they did choose their own costumes anyway...(kind of) and its for the best. They fully understand Halloween so they are even more into it since they could choose their own costume. They studied the Party City catalog for weeks. They were obsessed with it!!
Unique Needs
10 years ago