Saturday, May 22, 2010

Rough Day

I picked Christian up from school on Thursday and he was so excited to show me his very first band aid. He pointed to it and then he immediately wanted to take it off. He had a hard day though with two trips to the nurses office. I guess he fell over a chair and got a mark on his cheek which I never did see and then he scraped his knee on the playground. So on the way to the car he kept trying to take off the band aid...but he never ended up getting around to it. It was a rough and tumble day.

Thomas the Train Bandaid

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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Moving Right Along

I guess my method of operation is do what I need to do and I can always go back and fix it later. Like shove this pile of papers here and go thru them later. Fold the laundry (or my mom folds the laundry) and put it away later...and then it never gets put away because time catches up and its time to wear it again before I ever got around to putting it away. And here on my blog I have all of these posting ideas and I think I can just back date them for later. Like the Mothers's day post, the balloon post I was going to do -this and that.

But right now life is moving right along changing day by day and minute by minute and if I don't write this stuff down I will probably forget by the time 4 more months rolls around and I try to do 10 posts in a row. So I am just going to have to settle for out of order.

So the kids started a specialized preschool program to help with their Apraxia. Its called Summit and they have been going 5 days a week since April 19th. Over the last couple of days we have started to reap the rewards. This past Monday I was sleeping during the day (cause I work during the night) and I woke up after the kids ate dinner. So I go down stairs and play with /hug/kiss/talk to them. I ask Christian "What did you have for dinner?' He says" Ehh" (eggs). "really" I say. "Good job buddy" I said (for saying/ attempting the word egg). And then I always try to include Kamryn even though she never says anything. So I said "Kamryn, what did you have for dinner? " and she SAID "aehhh". SHE SAID IT. She answered a question!! This is so huge!

Also it seems like every day Christian says a new word. Alot of the time it is the word dead on and sometimes it is an approximation of the word. Its pretty exciting when a new word comes out of nowhere and it is so cool when he spontaneously says something. Like the other day we were driving along the river and out of nowhere he says "wah-ter". Today he said boo-boo and knee--cause that is where his boo boo is. I want to be able to look back and measure his progress so here is a list of words that Christian can say so far:

Bah loon
Boo Boo
Geeeen -for green
I did it
Oh No
Whoa Baby
Pooper (Cooper)
Pup-ple ( Purple)
Wed (red)

and Kamryn can say Ahh, a soft mm and put her lips together for the mm and p. Right now she is just practicing turning her voice on.

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