Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Well- I had intended to post our summer activities as we went along , however that didn't really work out. So I guess I will start now and try to keep it in chronological order. These pics are from the beginning of June when we kicked off the summer with the babies first of many wagon rides. This isnt just any wagon either. This is the original Carroll Crew wagon from when Dan was a kid. He remembers being a passenger in it himself. Dan's father brought up one day that he thought the wagon had alot of years left if someone could just give it some TLC. And wouldnt you know our family has just the guy!! Dan's brother Michael spent hours taking a part the wagon, figuring out what needed to be replaced and what could be refinished. A little of paint here and a little sandblasting there and alot of elbow grease evolved into the kids Christmas present. The kids love riding in it!! Kamryn cracks up when it bumps on the sidewalk and Christian's mission is to try and climb out while it is in motion. Dan and I love that it is part of the past and will hold so many memories for our kids as well. Thanks Mike. All of your hard work is much appreciated. There are no better presents than the ones made by hand . And this one will hold our kids and our family memories.

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