Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I know its hard to see but if you look very close you can see Kamryn's very first set of piggy tails. They lasted the whole day. She didn't even know they were there. There is nothing better than little spiky pig tails. I will have to get them in when I can. I can definitely forsee when she realizes what is going on up there she will remove all pig tails faster than I can say pig tail. And I know only to put them in when we are on the go. If the kids are playing at home-Christian would have those things pulled out in 2.2 seconds.

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1 comment:

Heather said...

There is really nothing better than pig tails on beautiful girlies!! You might be surprised, she might love them when she discovers them....or maybe not!!
Love & miss you guys,
:) Heather