Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Kamryn's Vocabulary Update

So after years of ..."crickets" we are having a vocabulary explosion. And by explosion I mean about 5-7 words and sound a likes. This is so huge though.
She says:

  • Mama
  • More
  • No (ess-o)
  • Yes ( eee-esss)
  • Eeewwww (for stinky/yucky)
  • Moo
  • wa wa
  • ya ya
  • ...and more random sweet music to our ears babbleing then ever before. We can tell that she is thrilled with her new sounds and is really starting to get it. She is trying SO HARD. It has to be broken down at the very basic levels for her. Her P's and B's have no volume at all so since M is similair and she does have that, leah her prompt therapist is working with her to say mm baa to try and "slide" into the b and fake it out to get the volume and breath. Its less frustrating now and so exciting !!!


Marianne said...

That's amazing! Both the kids have come so far! Soon you'll be wishing for the days when they were quiet!! LOL

You and Dan are such wonderful parents. I have been amazed and in awe since day one. Even as a new mom nothing seemed to rattle you and you have been the best cheerleaders your kids could ever have!!

I was so excited to see an update on your blog!

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