Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Is this how Evel Knievel got started?

So if you are not familiar with the up stairs of my house, it goes like this. At the top of the stairs is the bathroom. At the end of the short hall is the babies nursery. That is all for that level of the house. From that floor there is four more stairs to another level where there are two more bedrooms one of which is Dan and mine.

This morning , I was in bed. Since this is one of the few nights I get to actually sleep in my bed I was so comfy and nothing was going to wake me up-as I soon found out. Dan was in the shower getting ready for work. Just like every morning. Dan got out of the shower (1st level) and proceeded to come to our room (2nd level)to get dressed for work. Except this time he was following Christian up the stairs into our bedroom. Dan said Kelly look at this. I woke up -heard the familiar sound of him crawling on the hardwood and I knew Dan had just gotten out of the shower and I knew why Dan was waking me -

Who knows how long he had this in the works but today was the day for Christian-mission accomplished-he climbed out of his crib. Not only did he climb out but was roaming freely while Dan was in the shower and I was sleeping. We are so lucky that he didn't try a double stunt and fall down the stairs. I have talked to moms who have experienced the same when their kids were closer to two. I thought I had a while. So with walking and talking we are a little behind but with are stunt work we have a leg up on a lot of kids-literally.

I bet you know how I will be spending the rest of my day. Baby proofing and installing some gates. And as my sister-in-law likes to say:"Christian- 2 (okay this time maybe 5) and Mom and Dad-0

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Soon I will be getting a blog extreme makeover. I would to hear every one's two cents about what my blog should be named. Please use the comment section at the bottom of this post to let me know your ideas. Just click where is says comments on the bottom line. You can also vote in the new poll. Everybody put your heads together and leave your ideas and comments too!!! Don't be afraid of the comment form. You can always remain anonymous...but then you would not get the prize for naming my blog.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

This took me long enough

Finally here are some birthday pics. The party was at our house in the front yard on June 21st. Everybody had a great time and dodged a couple rain drops. I made my first attempt at pulled pork and I have to say it turned out pretty good. The babies were there usual happy selves and had a great time. Thanks to everyone who came, especially those who made the trip from Rochester. We know its not a short trip especially for a couple of hours. We really appreciate you going out of your way.

If the slide show has stopped, just click on the X in the upper right hand corner.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Well- I had intended to post our summer activities as we went along , however that didn't really work out. So I guess I will start now and try to keep it in chronological order. These pics are from the beginning of June when we kicked off the summer with the babies first of many wagon rides. This isnt just any wagon either. This is the original Carroll Crew wagon from when Dan was a kid. He remembers being a passenger in it himself. Dan's father brought up one day that he thought the wagon had alot of years left if someone could just give it some TLC. And wouldnt you know our family has just the guy!! Dan's brother Michael spent hours taking a part the wagon, figuring out what needed to be replaced and what could be refinished. A little of paint here and a little sandblasting there and alot of elbow grease evolved into the kids Christmas present. The kids love riding in it!! Kamryn cracks up when it bumps on the sidewalk and Christian's mission is to try and climb out while it is in motion. Dan and I love that it is part of the past and will hold so many memories for our kids as well. Thanks Mike. All of your hard work is much appreciated. There are no better presents than the ones made by hand . And this one will hold our kids and our family memories.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Six on Saturday

Some things you might be interested to know about me:

  1. Alot of people are afraid of spiders-not me-I am very afraid of bees. The fact that there is potential for harm makes me nervous. I can deal with creepy crawly but not pain

  2. I could stand in front of Abercrombie and Fitch for half the day taking deep breaths of the scented air. LOVE that smell. Maybe Santa will bring Dan that cologne.

  3. I would love to be a pharmacist but I don't have it in me to do all the studying.

  4. I cannot touch my toes. No it is not because my chub rolls are in the way. Ever since kindergarten gym class when they say do ten toe touches-my hands have never made it close. So chub or no chub I can't touch them.

  5. I got jipped in the talent department. No athletic prowess here. Not even stupid human tricks talented either. Not one talent to speak of.

  6. Ever since I was about eight my biggest fear without a doubt has been someone breaking into my house. I have had crazy dreams about this. In one someguy cam eot my door holding a lantern and when I answered the door he said " I am here to break into your house."

Friday, August 1, 2008

Happy Birthday

So today is Flashback Friday=-Birthday Edition. Today is our niece Mary's 13th birthday!!!!! Here she is holding the babies a couple of days after they came home. Mary just adores the babies and soaks up every minute she can with them. It is so hard for me to believe that when I met Mary she was only 4!! Time flies by. Anyway- Mary has turned into one of the most well rounded people young people I know. She does for others as much as she does for herself. Mary works hard and plays hard. Not to mention she its talented beyond measure. We just saw her performance in the Rock Around the Block thru the Summer Theatre Workshop. She nailed all her lines and looked so pretty in her poodle skirt!!! We are so proud of all Mary has accomplished up to this point and we are looking forward to seeing what she has in store for us now that she is a teenager. Mar--Now you really are a "Teen Queen"