Sunday, August 3, 2008

Six on Saturday

Some things you might be interested to know about me:

  1. Alot of people are afraid of spiders-not me-I am very afraid of bees. The fact that there is potential for harm makes me nervous. I can deal with creepy crawly but not pain

  2. I could stand in front of Abercrombie and Fitch for half the day taking deep breaths of the scented air. LOVE that smell. Maybe Santa will bring Dan that cologne.

  3. I would love to be a pharmacist but I don't have it in me to do all the studying.

  4. I cannot touch my toes. No it is not because my chub rolls are in the way. Ever since kindergarten gym class when they say do ten toe touches-my hands have never made it close. So chub or no chub I can't touch them.

  5. I got jipped in the talent department. No athletic prowess here. Not even stupid human tricks talented either. Not one talent to speak of.

  6. Ever since I was about eight my biggest fear without a doubt has been someone breaking into my house. I have had crazy dreams about this. In one someguy cam eot my door holding a lantern and when I answered the door he said " I am here to break into your house."

1 comment:

Heather said...

I have to say that I am just the opposite regarding the spider vs. bee debate. I will gladly get stung by a bee rather than deal with a nasty spider crawling on me--gives me the goosebumps just thinking about it!!!