Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

So to celebrate our 6th anniversary on Sunday we took off for our annual trip to the pumpkin patch with my brother and sister-in-law and thier little pumpkin who will make his debut in February. The whether was hot-not really pumpkin patch weather and because of this we waited in heavy stand still traffic coming and going from this popular Great Pumpkin Farm. We had a great time-as usual when I am with my brother I end up laughing until I almost pee my pants. That day was no exception. I really wanted corn stalks to decorate my porch. They were TALL. So, having the babies we couldnt pack them in our car--so I volunteered him. They were so tall they extended the whole length of his truck and he had to drive with them on his head as well as between him and Jessie. At one point when they were following us home they stuck them out the window but I didnt get to see this. It really was so funny. After the pumpkin patch visit and the obstructed vision drive home Pat and Jessie were nice enough to babysit for us so we could enjoy our anniversary dinner and the Left Bank. So after we drove by it a couple of times, rolled up our windows and locked our doors-we enjoyed a DELICIOUS dinner and it was the perfect ending to a fun and crazy day.

Here is Pat & Jessie -my brother and sister in law, our entertainment, photographers, and best buds

Kamryn picking out her pumpkin.

Could they be any cuter?
Christian picking out his pumpkin

Thanks for coming Uncle Pat & Aunt Jessie!! It wouldnt be the same without you.

Here I am with my cornstalks. Arent they huge?

Here is a picture of the first annual pumpkin patch trip 1 year and 1 day earlier.

And here we are for the second annual. One year and one day later. Isnt that amazing how much our beautiful babies have grown!!!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They have gotten so big and beautiful. I hope I get to see them soon. Love the You are so lucky, you have a great family!