Saturday, July 5, 2008

The results are in...

For those of you that have voted in our first poll... Kamryn was the first to get a tooth. I think her bottom right tooth started poking thru on Friday June 13th. I had been diligently checking and not finding anything and on that Friday, Grandma Carroll came over to babysit and was feeding Kamryn as I was getting ready to walk out the door and she said "Kamryn-Is there any teeth in there?" And she said yep I feel one. I was like you do? And lo and behold there was a hard, sharp tooth trying to poke thru. It still hasnt made its full debut yet. And I just assumed that she would get her bottoms first but when we went for her 1 year check up the Dr. found that her top ones were popping thru too. So right now she is cutting three. Besides the fact that now she is having a hard time falling asleep lateley, she is for the most part unaffected. I think in about two months she will have a mouthfull of teeth. Now, when she smiles wide you can see her three teeth. If I could only get a picture... Christian has raised bumps but no visible white yet. Pretty soon though I am sure.

1 comment:

Heather said...

OK, you are the best mom ever!! The kids are going to LOVE looking back on this and seeing what you & they were doing...
Your family is amazing & you are such great parents. Thank you for doing this blog, I love seeing the munchkins change & grow-it is great!
We love & miss you guys and cannot wait to see you all again VERY SOON!!
Love, Heather